Episode 6: ‘Climate and Conservation’ with Adala Leeson & Douglas Phillips
Adala Leeson and Douglas Phillips discuss why understanding heritage values and carbon in the built environment is critical in transitioning to a lower-carbon economy, how to go about expressing these complex concepts to the public, and how the heritage sector must cooperate and collaborate with others to achieve success.
Episode 10: ‘Climate and Conservation’ with Crispin Edwards & Roy LewisCrispin Edwards and Roy Lewis discuss why conservation of the historic environment is inherently...
Episode 9: ‘Climate and Conservation’ with Dave ChetwynDave Chetwyn discusses how good planning and urban design practice and policy, with lessons learned from historic...
Episode 2: ‘Climate and Conservation’ with Joanna SaadyJoanna Saady discusses designing retrofits, digging into the details of insulation, thermal mass, and natural materials, and...